Monthly Archives: March 2015

Real Neat Blog Award


Thanks to Fiona, I’ve been nominated for this Real Neat Blog Award {the RNBA, right?}  Thank you, Fiona!!  🙂  There are rules, of course, and this submissive girl likes following the rules.  Here they are:

1)  Put the award logo in your post
2)  Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you
3)  Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs
4)  Let them know you nominated them

Here are the questions Fiona asked:

1)  What scares you most about TTWD, and conversely what are you most gratified about your journey through TTWD?

Isn’t that really two questions?  Oh, well.

  •   The thing that’s gratifying about TTWD is it’s helped me develop a whole side of myself that was dormant or misunderstand for a lot of my lifetime.
  •   The thing that scares me is not knowing if Sir is ever going to really put his energy into domming me.  If there’s any such word as “domming.”  And what am I going to do if he doesn’t?

2)  What is your favorite tradition surrounding your birthday (or if you don’t have one – around a holiday that you like)?

I don’t think I have a birthday tradition -well, wait, that’s not true.   My sister usually has a birthday thing for me at her house.  My step-daughter’s birthday is almost the same day as mine, so we used to share the family birthday party, until my sister realized that meant I had to do all the cleaning and prepping for my own birthday.  So she started inviting everyone to her house.  That’s pretty sweet.

3)  If you’re home alone, is there music playing, a television on, or quite in your home?

There’s never a television on if I’m home alone.  Usually, it’s quiet, although sometimes I blast music, particularly if I’m cleaning.

4)  What’s your favorite book, movie and song?

Favorite movie:  Heart and Souls

Favorite song:  Omg, I have terrible taste in music.  No, seriously, I like songs like King of the Road and Hit the Road Jack.  I like the Beatles. (Maxwell)    I like old rock.  (Another Saturday Night)   Country – mostly old country.  (Kris Kristopherson doing Silver-Tongued Devil.  Waylon and Willie and the boys…Johnny Cash.  Pete Seger and Woody Guthrie )  I like blues. {BB King, John Lee Hooker, Stevie Ray Vaughn…)  And reggae.  Ok, favorite song.  This version of Stand By Me:

Favorite book:  You’re kidding right?  No one can have ONE favorite book.  Well, I can’t anyhow.  Um, ok, let me think….

Ring of Endless Light, by Madeleine L’engel.

5)  If you were 18, found your blog and read it, what would your reaction be?

I would have died.  I can’t even imagine.  Do I know it’s me?  If I didn’t know it was me, I might really like it.  If I knew it was me in my old age – omg.  Nope, can’t imagine.

6)  What qualities, do you think, is your significant other most attracted to in you?

Oh, hmmmm.  Good question.  I texted Him and asked him, but I’m almost through with this post and He hasn’t answered.  That might be because He’s at work.  Sometimes, He’ll answer right away, and occasionally, He just doesn’t respond at all.  I think this might be one of those non-responsive moments.  Ok, I’ll just have to take a wild guess.

Plus, wait a minute, this is actually another two-fer question.  I have to figure out what qualities describe me, and then identify ones I think He likes?   No, not likes, the ones He’s attracted to…

Ok ok, here we go.

I think he’s most attracted to my – I don’t know.  My calm temperament?   My ability to feel compassion?  My sensitivity?  Sense of humor?  None of the above?  I think I surprise Him.  I think He likes watching me react to stuff because I don’t always do what He expects, but that’s not a quality.  He talks sometimes about me being inclusive, and I think He likes that, but I don’t know that He’s attracted to that quality.

Ok.  I dunno.  If He answers me, I’ll post what He says.  Assuming it’s publishable.

7)  What is your favorite toy to make you cum?  What’s a fantasy of yours using that toy?

Again with the two questions for the price of one…. ok, ok.

  • I used to have a vibrating dildo that I liked a lot, but Sir has it locked up somewhere, so I won’t count that.  He gave me a vibrator that is not a dildo for “back pain” this year, and I like it a lot.
  • You know, I can’t think of any fantasies I have that involve that toy.  My fantasies don’t usually involve orgasms and not often toys at all – they tend to be about obedience and control, spanking and restraint.  Discipline.  Nope.  No orgasm by vibrator fantasies floating in my head.

Now to nominate other bloggers.  {Rubs hands together with glee…}

Sir Raven and Jade at The Chrysanthemum and The Sword

Jz at A Reluctant Bitch

Wordwytch at Adventures of A Word Wytch

Greengirl at What I Wonder

Master Michael and slave angie at Our Master/slave Journey

kia at Acknowledging Imperfection

Here are the questions:

1.  What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you involving TTWD?

2.  Who is your role model or hero?  (In the lifestyle or not.)

3.  What’s your favorite kink activity?

4.  If you were granted one personal wish, what would it be?

5.  What is your greatest strength – the quality you value most about yourself?

6.  If you could give one thing to your Dom/Master (or to your slave, if you’re the Dom) what would it be?

7.  What’s the most important thing to you about TTWD?

If you don’t want to follow the rules, or only follow some of them, or want to make up your own, that’s perfectly ok with me.  This is just for fun – there will not be a test, and no punishment involved.  Unless you want there to be…

Edited to add:  Sir responded to my text asking him what qualities He is most attracted to in me.  His response was:  All of them.  Not really so helpful, but very sweet, right?

Happy Spring!


And here’s the answer to Jz’s question (thank you for asking – sorry, it took me forever and a day to answer…)

10 word on-line profile:

Submissive feminist, mother, grandmother, friend and lover, sharing my sorrows and joy.

Yeah, I dunno.  Something like that….


In case you haven’t heard, March is Q and A month is the blogosphere.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  It may be a few days before I can answer right now, because I still have limited internet access and limited privacy, but any and all questions are welcome.


Out of Touch

I am still around, like a donut.  🙂  Working on – i don’t know what actually.  Well, at the moment, i’m visiting my daughter and her family with Sir and waiting for my new grandchild.  Before that i was working all the time.  Working so “all the time” that i can’t complain about any lack of kink in my life.  i’ve had no time and not much interest myself.

i have not even had time to keep up with blogs.  Not with other people’s blog, which is so strange for me. i miss it, and miss you all, and now my internet access is limited and there are people around most of the time.  i snuck away a little while ago – they were all napping and i only feel sleepy when i’m not lying down.  Hence this post.

Anyhow.  i am not complaining, not at all.  It is just how it is now.

i think i am working on finding my own space — i write that and i don’t even know exactly what i mean.  Maybe there are other words that would describe it.  i don’t know what they are.

In the meantime – Hi.  Just wanted y’all to know i’m still around.